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Table of Contents


A maximum of four (4) additional tables can be defined in Setup. These additional tables are used to help categorize transactions for additional reporting capabilities. Category names can be customized to match an organiation's naming preferences. For example many solid waste businesses need to track where the waste is coming from. A category is enabled, Origin is a common title given to the table.

To enable additional category tables select Setup | Configure - Category #. Once the new table is enabled it will appear in the Maintain list with the given title.

For this example Category 1 has been enabled and titled Origin.

Add a New Category (Origin)

To add a new Origin, click the  New button. A blank form appears.

A valid entry only requires an Code and a Description.

  • The Code can be up to twenty (20) characters in length and is an alpha numeric field.
  • The Description can be up to sixty (60) characters in length.

Enter a valid Origin Code and Description. Click the  Save button to continue.

  • Inactive – When checked, this origin is inactive. It will not appear in any drop-down lists on other screens.

To undo any changes click the  Undo button.

General Settings

Default Origin

A default origin code other than -1 None can be selected by checking the Default Origin options box. The origin selected as the default origin will be used during a transaction. The default origin selected for an individual customer account will override this option. 

Sub Cats (Categories)

The Category tables can have one or two subcategories. Subcategories help group items in a table for reporting purposes. To activate the sub categories select Setup | Configure - Category #. Once active they will be included in the Sub Cats section of the category table. In the following example a sub category labeled Type has been added. 

Image Added

Each of the item in the table can be added to one of the user defined sub categories listed; None, City, Township, and Village in our example. The sub category is available when running reports where the category (Origin) is selected as a Group Option. When one of these types is selected, only the category items belonging to that sub category group will appear on the report.

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be used to store additional category information. This information can be printed on tickets or used when exporting data for other software


application such as 3rd party accounting systems.

Up to five (5) custom fields can be activated for

a category

the Category table.

To activate custom


fields, select Setup | Configure - Category #. Once active they will be available in the Custom Fields section of the Category Table. In the following example a two of the five fields have been enabled.

Image Added

Editing an Existing Category (Origin)

Changing the Origin Code

To change the Origin Code for an existing Origin, select the origin from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the Image Modified Save button. A window similar to the following appears.

Image Modified

  • Click the Change existing code button to change the code and save.
  • Click the Cancel button to not save changes and restore the original value
  • Click the Make a copy instead button to create a new record. 

Changing the Origin Description 

To change the Origin Description for an existing origin, select the origin from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the Image Modified Save button. A window similar to the following appears.

Image Modified

  • Click the Change description button to save the changes and return to the Origin Table.
  • Click the Cancel button to cancel all changes.

Delete a Category (Origin)

To delete an Origin, select the origin from the list or use the search field and click the Image Modified Delete button. A window similar to the following will appear.

Image Modified

Click Yes to delete the origin. Click No to cancel the deletion and return to the origin table.


An Origin cannot be deleted from the database if it is associated with a record in another table; such as the account or transaction table.

If a transaction has not been created using the origin, it may be possible to edit the other tables and remove or change the origin and try deleting it again.

If a transaction has already been created using the origin, it is best to set the origin Inactive.

titleRelated Links
  • Category Setup
  • Sub Categories
  • Custom Fields