To add a new Location, click the New button. A blank form appears.
A valid entry only requires a Name and Default Price Table.
Enter a valid Name and Price Table. Click the Save button to continue.
To undo any changes click the Undo button.
Editing and Existing Category (Origin)
Changing the Location Name
To change the Location Name for an existing Location, select the Location from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the Save button. A window similar to the following appears.
Click the Change existing code button to change the code and save.
Click the Cancel button to not save changes and restore the original value
Click the Make a copy instead button to create a new record.
Delete a Location
To delete a Location, select the location from the list or use the search field and click the Delete button. A window similar to the following will appear.
Click Yes to delete the location. Click No to cancel the deletion and return to the Location table.
A Location cannot be deleted from the database if it is associated with a record in another table; such as the account or transaction table table.
If a transaction has not been created using the location, it may be possible to edit the other tables and remove or change the location and try deleting it again.