Initial Setup for New Database
The following is a recommendation for setting up Interact 7 after the software has been installed and a new database created.
Select Maintain | Locations to add a new location.
Select Setup | Ticket Numbers to create a ticket number group and starting ticket number.
Select Setup | Machine Data to create a record for the computer, set the location, and the ticket number group the machine will use.
Select Setup | Devices and add the Port for the indicator, the scale Device, and the Printer for ticket printing.
Select Setup | Configure to set options for all of the tables, i.e. Accounts, Jobs, Material and Categories, accounting groups, etc.
Set base unit of measure (UOM). To select the base UOM select Setup | Configure - Prices. The Rate Basis is automatically set to Pounds with a new installation of Interact. Interact uses the value set for the Rate Basis to convert weight data streaming from the indicator to the selected UOM. The converted UOM will appear in the Weigh Form Display. To display weight data in kilograms when the indicator setting is configured for kilograms this value must be changed to Kilograms, even when Interact is not calculating charges.
Select Setup | Weigh Options to set options for processing transactions; upload exiting ticket format files, select ticket format files, set default direction, set manual and SIM scale selections, set Transient Truck.
Select Utilities | Ticket Editor to create a ticket format if an existing file was not uploaded.
When configuring a new database keep in mind it may make sense to build some tables such as the Tax Authorities, Tax Code, and Price tables before adding accounts. It may save time to have these items available to set at the global Configure setting or have available to set as an account default.
If the customer is using Interact Invoice or Interact Pro, it may be helpful to set the Invoice and Statement groups before adding accounts as well.