Quotes Items
Heidi Adams
To add new, edit existing, or delete quotes, select Maintain | Quotes.
Quote Items
The Quote Items table is used to select materials, ordered quantities, special rates, location, and direction. Special rates will be used to calculate estimate and freight fees.
To add items to a quote, click the Items tab.
Add a New Item
To add a new Item, click the Add New or green plus button. A blank form appears.
Select a material from the Material drop-down list.
Select a location from the Location drop-down list. Locations are used to help maintain items with different rates at multiple locations. DataSync will synchronize data to only the selected locations. A record is created for each location. When (All) is selected only one record is created. The item and all of it's settings will be synchronized to every location.
The Direction flag is automatically set to the system default direction. Interact uses the direction flag to determine how a stored truck tare should be used. When set to Outbound, Interact will use stored tare weights as the Inbound weight and the Gross weight will be used as the Outbound weight. When set to Inbound, Interact will use stored tares weight as the Outbound weight and the Gross weight will be used as the Outbound weight.
To change the material direction, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Direction field to change the selection.
To change the default Unit of Measure (UOM), click the drop-down arrow to select the UOM from the list. All Freight, Freight Payable, and Material rates must be entered in the selected UOM.
Do not change the UOM when material inventory is in use. Doing so will result in inaccurate inventory numbers and error messages.
To calculate an estimate enter the quantity of the material required to complete the job in the Amount Ordered field.
Rates (Outgoing and Incoming)
Enter special rates for this quote item. When active a field to enter special rates for each Price Component will appear. The Per Load check box is used to assign a flat rate per load when this quote and this item is selected during a transaction. To turn Per Load on, check the box.
Check the Taxable box when taxes need to be calculated for the material. Taxes for the item will be calculated if the quote Tax Code is not set to Tax Exempt.
The Discount flag can be set to provide a discount during the time of transaction. When this feature is in use, check the box to apply the discount at the time of transaction. Leave unchecked to ensure a discount is not calculated. Additional information about the Immediate Discount feature can be found under Setup | Configure | Standard Terms.
Freight Rates (In UOM)
Freight rates can be entered in the selected Unit of Measure or as a Per Load fee. To use the per load option, check the Per Load box. Enter both the Freight and Freight Payable amounts as a per load fee.
The check box Use this Freight Rate must also be checked to calculate an estimate. Freight charge estimates will be calculated using the Amount Ordered.
Click the Save Changes button to continue.
To undo any changes click the Undo Changes button.
To delete an Item, select the item from the list or use the search field and click the Delete Record button.
Printed Estimates
Two formats for printed quotes are available. To print an estimate, click the Print Quote button. A window similar to the following appears
Select Summary or Detailed from the Detail Level drop-down box. Click the Preview Quote button. Click the back button close the preview.
Default Direction
Price Components
Immediate Discount