Adding and Inactivating Sales Tax Codes in QuickBooks

Adding Sales Tax Codes in QuickBooks

Start QuickBooks. Select Lists | Sales Tax Code List. Select New from the Sales Tax Code drop-down list in the lower left corner.

Enter a Sales Tax Code and Description. Select the Taxable or Non-Taxable radio button and click OK to save. The QBIM will match the QuickBooks Sales Tax Code with the Interact Sales Tax Code.

Inactivating Sales Tax Codes

If the default Tax and Non codes will not be used, they can be set inactive after the Sales Tax Preferences have been changed for the Taxable and Non-Taxable items. To set new default codes select Edit | Preferences. Select Sales Tax from the menu on the left. Click the Company Preference tab.

Set a new default for Taxable Item Code and Non-Taxable Item Code in the Assign Sales Tax Codes section. Click the OK button to save changes and continue.

Related Links
  • Adding Sales Tax Codes in Interact