Freight Rate Distance - Mile per Ton

Freight Rate Distance - Mile per Ton

Freight Rate Distance

Use this feature to allow for a distance based freight charge when processing a  transaction using a Job.

Select a Job from the Jobs table (Maintain | Job).

Enter the number of miles in the Distance field located in the General section of the window. This number will be used to calculate the ton/mile freight rate for all items associated with the job. Click the  Save Changes button.

Freight Per Ton/Mile

Click the Items tab, to enter the rate per mile. The Items detail window appears. Select a material from the list of materials associated with the Job or add new materials.

Use the Rate field in the Freight Rates (per Ton) section to enter the rate per mile ($.25 in our example). Interact will multiple the Distance with the Rate to calculate the Total ($7.50 in our example). The total will be used to calculate the total freight charge during a transaction. 

In the above example, 18.4 Tons is multiplied by $7.50 for a total Freight charge of $138.00.

 Freight Per Ton/Mile - Per Load

The following example will activate the Per Load  feature to apply the total as a flat per load fee during the transaction. The same freight charge will be applied to every transaction regardless of the total Net Weight. 

Use the Rate field in the Freight Rates (per Ton) section to enter the rate per mile ($3.00 in our example). Interact will multiple the Distance with the Rate to calculate the Total ($90.00 in our example). When the Per Load flag is checked the Freight Rate becomes a per load charge and is a distance only calculation. When active $90.00 will be applied to each transaction.

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