Scale (Weight Indicator) Devices

Scale (Weight Indicator) Devices


The digital weight indicator used to communicate with the scale is capable of streaming weight data to other devices. Interact is able to read the weight data streamed from the indicator through a serial connection.

Once the Port has been configured and is available the indicator can be added. To add a new scale device, click the  New button. Choose the device type from the available drop-down list, Scale for our example.

A window similar to the following will appear.

Scale Name

When multiple devices of the same type will be configured from the same computer, enter a meaningful name for the device in the Scale Name field, Scale for our example.

Port Name

Select the port the scale indicator will be connected to, COM7 in our example.


Select the scale indicator type from the Format drop-down list, (Rice Lake) IQ310 for our example.

Motion Tolerance

The Motion Tolerance is the number of units weight may change and still be considered stable. Enter the maximum weight the scale can fluctuate before Interact determines there is motion on the scale. Sixty (60) pounds for our example.

In most cases, the scale indicator will supply a flag or bit that is used to determine motion. Some indicators do not. In these cases, the program will determine scale motion using the tolerance value. Transactions cannot be stored while the scale is in motion.

Motion Tolerance

Most truck scales are calibrated for 20 pound increments (or 10 kilograms for our Metric customers). Be sure to enter a value in the same calibrated increment your indicator is programmed to use.

Stable Duration

Stable Duration is the number of seconds weight must remain within tolerance to be considered stable. Three (3) seconds for our example.

Expected Units

Expected Units is the unit of measure the scale indicator has been configured to display. Options include Pounds or Tons for standard customers and Kilograms or MTons (Metric Tons) for our metric customers.

Incompatible UOM

When the UOM setting in the indicator and the Expected Units do not match the test display will look similar to the following. The following is an example where the indicator is set to stream weight data in pounds and the Expected Units is incorrectly set to Kilograms. 

To ensure the weigh form display unit of measure is the same as the selected Expected Units setting, the Rate Basis must be set to the same UOM. Select Setup | Configure - Prices to check the Rate Basis setting. Weight data will be converted to the selected Rate Basis UOM.

Example: Mismatched UOM settings

In the following example Expected Units is set to Pounds.
The Rate Basis in Setup | Configure - Prices is set to Kilograms.

With these settings Interact will convert the weight in pounds to kilograms (multiply the number of pounds by 0.453592 to get the equivalent weight in kilograms). The Weigh Form Display will show the weight in kilograms (12,460 pounds * 0.453592 = 5651 kilograms, rounded to the nearest kilogram).

Zero Command

When active the operator will be able to zero the scale from the Interact weigh form by clicking a button.

Log Scale Stream Data

Check the box, Log Scale Stream Data, to log scale data to a text file. This option is useful when troubleshooting scale stream issues.

Click the  Save button to continue. To undo any changes click the  Undo button.

Test Data Stream

Click theTest button to view serial data streaming from the device. A typical data stream from a scale indicator will look similar to the following.

Click the  Test button to suspend testing. Transaction can be completed using the weight streaming from the scale indicator. Click the Weigh button to view the streaming weight.

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