


Use the Emails page to create a list of email addresses. The email addresses will be available to create email groups. Email groups can be used when setting up Interact Server to email memorized reports.

To create a list of email addresses, select Setup | Configure | Emails. A window similar to the following will appear.

Click the  Add New button.

Enter the user email address into the Email field.

Click the  Save Changes button. Click the Add New button to continue adding additional email addresses.

Email Groups

Available Email Groups

When Email Groups exist, they will be visible under the Available email groups list.

To add an email address to an email group, select the email address and then the email group from the list of Available email groups. Use the right arrow to add the selected email address to the group.

To remove an email address from an email group, select the email address and then the email group form the list of Currently in these groups. Use the  left arrow to remove the selected email address from the group.

In the following example, emailname belongs to three email groups: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

In the following example emailname2 belongs to the Daily email group.

Related Links
Email Groups