Email Groups
Heidi Adams
Email Groups
Use the Email Groups page to define names for different email groups. Individual email addresses can be added to any group. These groups can be used in Interact Server to email memorized reports.
To create email groups, select Setup | Configure | Emails. A window similar to the following will appear.
Click the Add New button.
Enter a meaningful name for the email group into the Email Group Name field.
Click the Save Changes button. Click the Add New button to continue adding additional email groups.
To add an email address to an email group, select the email group and then the email address from the list of Available emails. Use the right arrow to add the selected email address to the Emails currently in group.
To remove an email address from an email group, select the email group and then the email address form the list of Emails currently in group. Use the left arrow to remove the selected email address from the group.
In the following example, the Daily group contains two email addresses.
In the following example the Monthly group contains one email address