


To add new, edit existing, or delete accounts, select Maintain | Accounts. A window similar to the following will appear.


Click the Truck tab to enter trucks owned by the selected account. A window similar to the following appears. A list of available trucks will appear in the list to the left.

To add a new truck, click on the  Add New button. Place the cursor in the Truck Code field. The Truck Code is the only field required to make a valid entry.

  • Truck Code – Required - 10 Character alpha numeric, available to print on tickets
  • Description – Optional - 30 Character alpha numeric, available to print on tickets
  • Hauler – This field will always match the selected account. If changed, the record will be associated with the new account.

Reassign Hauler Account

To move a truck from one Hauler account to another, select the account from the Hauler drop-down list. Select the new account. Click the Save Changes Save Changes button.

Tare Weight

A tare weight  can be updated manually from this window or with the current scale weight in the weigh form during a transaction.

  • Tare Weight –Enter the empty weight for this truck. Internally, the tare weight will be marked as "manually entered" and can be indicated as such when printed on the ticket. Weights should only be entered in the Display Division set in the scale indicator, typically 20 pound increments for indicators set to use Pounds and 10 kilogram increments for indicators set to use Kilograms.
  • Date Set – Field is automatically set to current system date to indicate when the tare weight was updated. Can be changed if desired.
  • Date Expire – This field indicates when the tare weight for this truck will expire. If the truck is used in an attended transaction on or after this date, the scale operator will receive a warning which he/she can choose to ignore. A truck with an expired tare cannot be used in a unattended transaction. To enable this feature, select Setup | Configure – Trucks, Etc. The tare weight will never expire if this field is blank.


  • Badge – The Badge Id is used to identify a specific truck in an unattended operation. It is a unique id throughout the system. It can be the value on an RFID card, Proximity card, or randomly generated and maintained by the office (driver’s use the keypad to enter the value). This is a ten-character alpha numeric field.
  • License – Optional - 10 Character alpha numeric, available to print on tickets.

Alternate Badge

If the reader is not working, the keypad can be used to enter the badge number. Often, the number on a badge or RFID tag is long and difficult to remember. The License field can also be used to store an alternate badge number. The feature must be activated before it can be used. This feature can be enabled when setting up an Unattended prompt sequence. Enter a number that will be easy for a driver to remember. The number must still be unique throughout the system.

  • Truck Type - This drop-down contains a list of all the truck types that were defined in Maintain | Truck Types. Select the type for this truck This field is used primarily for determining freight charges.
  • Axles - Enter the number of axles for this truck. This information can be printed on tickets or used in unattended mode to prompt a driver to pull forward for additional axle weighments.
  • Ticket Type - Ticket formats can be assigned to an account, truck type and truck in addition to a global ticket format. Set the default ticket format that will be used by this truck to print tickets. The following precedence rule is used to determine which ticket format will be used to print a transaction ticket:
    • Truck - If specified in the truck screen, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Truck Type format.
    • Truck Type - If specified in the truck type setup screen, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Account format.
    • Account - If specified in the account screen, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Global format.
    • Global - This format, set in the weigh options screen, is used if all previous settings are "System Default Ticket".

Ticket Format Files

To select ticket printing options, select, select Setup | Weight Options – Ticket printing.

To add or modify ticket formats, select Utilities | Ticket Editor.


Truck history can be used to enhance attended and unattended ticket processing. To activate the Truck History feature for attended and unattended transactions, select Setup | Weight Options | Trucks - Weigh Options. Below is a list of some of the available options.

  • Use History for Material, Customer, and Job
  • Use History for Categories
  • Use Categories from Truck's last transaction at this Location

Unattended Prompt options for Job, Account, Material, and Categories

When History is used with Unattended options the default action is to preset these tables with the value shown in the respective Last Prompt field. Additional options to customize each table is available

  • Use History - During unattended processing the previous value is preset and highlighted on the unattended window. The driver can press enter to select the highlighted record or use the keypad to select a different record.
  • Always Prompt - This option will ignore the preset value. The driver will be required to use the keypad to enter a value.
  • Never Prompt - This option will skip the unattended prompt and use the value listed in the Last Prompt field.

Go to the Setup | Unattended to learn more about Unattended features and options. Or contact your AWS representative.


  • Weigh Only - This flag is used for unattended operations only. When set, this truck will receive a special ticket that displays the current weight on the scale, date, and time (using the ticket format prweight.gtk). No transaction will be recorded.
  • Attended Mode Only - This flag is used for unattended operations only. When set, the program will automatically switch to attended mode when this truck is identified. This allows the operator to complete the transaction by filling in the necessary fields on the Weigh screen. When the Print Ticket button is clicked, the program returns to unattended mode and sends the ticket to the unattended terminal.
  • Unattended Tare Update - This flag is used for unattended operations only. When set, the program will allow the tare weight for this truck to be updated in unattended mode.
  • Unattended Multiple Items - This flag is used for unattended operations where the majority of the transactions involve single items but a few trucks haul multiple items. Check this box to designate the multiple item trucks. The driver will then be prompted for multiple items at the unattended terminal.
  • Hide Jobs (AutoTouch) - This flag is used for unattended operations with the AutoTouch interface. When set, the driver will not be presented a list when prompted for job. The job must be entered into a text box.
  • Required: Tare2 - When set, a 2nd tared vehicle (i.e Trailer) must be selected with this truck before a transaction can be recorded.
  • Required: Tare3 - When set, a 3rd tared vehicle (i.e. Container) must be selected with this truck before a transaction can be recorded.

Tare Weight Limits

This setting works in both attended and unattended modes but is most useful when used in conjunction with the Unattended Tare Update option. It will ensure the new tare value is within the selected limits. Enter the minimum and/or maximum tare weight for this truck. The tare weight is not checked if these values are zero.

  • During a transaction the scale operator or driver clicks or presses the Tare button.
  • A tare weight will not be accepted when the weight on the scale is not within the selected range. Weight value must be entered in pounds.
  • A message similar to the following will appear when a tare weight is under or over the selected limits.

Ticket Processing

Values set in the Tare Minimum and Maximum fields will be used during ticket processing. Interact adds the tare weights of the truck and trailer, then compares the total with the tare weight limits for the truck itself. If the weight is too high (as is likely to happen), it will give an error that the transaction is over the max tare and will block the ticket from being completed.

Allow Violations

When checked, tare weights can be set outside of the selected limits. A message similar to the following will appear.

To allow the tare weight to be updated, click Yes. To cancel, click No. The "Cannot set tare.." message appears, click Ok to continue and return to the weigh form.

Gross Weight Limits

Values set at the truck level will override the global Gross Weight Limit. Enter the minimum and maximum gross weights for this truck. Weight values must be entered in pounds. Transactions will not be processed if the value for gross weight is beyond these limits. The gross weight is not checked if these values are zero.

Allow Violations

When Allow Violations is checked, the program will display a warning message similar to the following.

Click Yes, to store the transaction anyway. Tickets will never be printed for transactions where the maximum gross weight limit has been exceeded. If you attempt to reprint a ticket for a transaction with a maximum gross weight violation, the message " *** Over Weight     Over Weight     Over Weight *** " will appear on the ticket.

Click No to return to the weigh form. 

Global Gross Weight Limits

To change the global minimum and maximum gross weight limits, select Setup | Weigh Options | Weighing

Custom Field 1- 5

Custom fields can be used to store additional truck information. This information can be used when exporting data to other software applications.

Truck Notes

Two truck note fields are available. When used, these notes will appear as note lines (1) one and (2) two in the Weigh form. Truck notes can be overwritten during a transaction. During a transaction, there will be an option to save the new notes with the truck. The new notes will replace the existing notes.

Reset Notes Daily

When checked, the notes attached to the truck will be cleared daily.

Hatch Fill Targets

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