


The freight table can be used to calculate a freight, or delivery fee based on a zone or location, truck type, and unit of measure. A separate rate can be entered for each unique combination. This table is typically used when a job is not selected during the transaction. The Order/Job table has its own fields available for freight. The freight table is only available for account types Hauler and Customer and Hauler.


Before setting up the table a list of “zones” must be defined. Because the user generates this zone list, the zones can be anything they’d like. Companies may calculate freight/delivery fees based on a radius system; i.e. 10 mile radius from the pit is one fee, 20 mile radius is another, and so on. Companies may instead calculate freight/delivery fees based on locations such as towns, or villages near the pit. Or possibly a combination of the two.

To create a “Zone” list, select Maintain | Zones or click this link.

Truck Types (Optional)

User can create a list of different types of trucks when different freight rates are based on the type of truck delivering the product. There is no need to create a list of truck types when the rate is the same for all trucks.

To create a Truck Type list, select Maintain | Truck Types or click this link.


To add new, edit existing, or delete accounts, select Maintain | Accounts. A window similar to the following will appear.

How to create a Freight Table

To create a freight table select an account from the Account Table. Click the Freight tab. A window similar to the following will appear.

Field Descriptions

  • Share Freight Table - Checking this box will allow this freight table to be shared with other hauler accounts and adds this hauler to the list of haulers with sharable freight tables. To view a list of haulers sharing their freight table, click the drop-down arrow next to the Use Freight From field in the Transaction Defaults section of the Maintain | Accounts | Main tab

  • Freight Rates for Account - A single freight rate can be entered for each unique combination of zone, truck type, unit of measure and distance. To add a row to the table, click the  Add New button. To delete the currently selected row, click the   Delete button in the Remove column. To modify data in the table, navigate to the desired cell using the mouse, arrow, or tab keys and enter your modification. No changes to the database will actually take place until the  Save Changes button is clicked. The following columns are available in the freight rate table:
  • Zone - This column contains the delivery zone. Zone is changed by selecting an entry from a drop down list. If "Unspecified" is selected, then the freight rate applies to all delivery zones. Delivery zones are defined in the Maintain | Zones section.
  • Truck Type - This column contains the truck type. Truck type is changed by selecting an entry from a drop down list. If "Unspecified" is selected, then the freight rate applies to all truck types. Truck types are defined in the Maintain | Truck Types section. Truck Types are optional when the rate is the same for all trucks.
  • Unit - This column contains the unit of measure. Units available are: Kilograms, Load, Metric Tons, Pounds, Tons, Units (Count) and Yards.
  • Distance - This column contains the distance units. Distance units available are: Hours, Kilometers, Miles and Unspecified. If "Unspecified" is selected, then no distance unit is needed to calculate the freight charge. Otherwise, the operator will be prompted for the distance amount in the Weigh screen before the freight charge can be calculated and the transaction completed.
  • Rate, Payable - These two columns contain the freight rate that will be charged the customer and the rate that will be paid to the hauler, respectively. As an example, the customer may be charged $5 per ton for freight, $4 of which will be paid to the hauler.
  • Minimum, Min Pay - These two columns contain the minimum freight charge and the payable freight charge, respectively.
  • Fuel $ -  Is used with the Fuel Surcharge Feature. As of 6/14/22 the Fuel Surcharge Feature is not yet available.
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