

Zones are used to help calculate different freight charges for different delivery areas. Zone names can be customized to match an organization's naming preferences.

Create a list of Zones

To create a list of Zones, select Maintain | Zones. To add a new zone, click the  Add New button. A blank form appears.

A valid entry only requires a Description.

  •  Description can be up to thirty (30) characters in length.

Enter a valid Description. Click the  Save Changes button to continue.

To undo any changes, click the  Undo Changes button.

Editing and Existing Zone

Changing the Zone Name

To change the name for an existing Zone, select the Zone from the list. Make desired changes and click the  Save Changes button. 


The following is an example of a list of zones.


The following is an example of a list of zones where the zones are the names of locations. The following is a list of towns in Wisconsin.

The following is an example of a list of zones where the zone names are a combination of zones and locations.