Interact allows the user to define up to twenty (20) note lines to be used in the Weigh form and one (1) Daily Note.
Daily Note
To add a Daily Note to be printed on tickets, select Setup | Configure - Ticket Notes. A window similar to the following will appear. The Daily Note will only appear on printed tickets when the ticket keyword [ Daily Note ] is included in the ticket format file.
Use caution when entering text, there is no limit and text will not automatically wrap on the printed ticket. Suggested text length is 40 to 50 characters. Click the Save button to save any changes.
Edit Existing Text
The Daily Note can be changed as often as desired. Edit the text and click the Save button to continue. To clear the Daily Note, delete all text and click the Save button.
Ticket Notes
To activate Ticket Notes, select Setup | Configure - Ticket Notes. A window similar to the following will appear.
Enter a meaningful label into each Note field to be activated. Click the Enabled check box to activate the note field. To view the note field on the second weigh from, check the box On Trans View. Enabled note fields without the On Trans View option can be accessed from the second weigh from by clicking the Show All Notes button.
Click the Save button to save any changes.
Edit an Existing Note Label
To change the note label, edit the text and click the Save button. To undo any changes click the Undo button.