The Transactions utility provides a quick way to view, edit, reprint, and void transaction ticket information. Transactions can be scanned for by setting criteria such as date range, account, job, material, etc. Interact will find transactions based on the selected criteria.
To scan for transactions, select Maintain | Transactions. A window similar to the following will appear.
Selecting Criteria
The Transaction Selection Criteria window is used to find a single transaction or a group of transactions that meet the criteria parameters.
- Ticket - Transactions will be listed in ticket number order
- Date / Time - Transaction will be listed by date / time order
To reset criteria selections, click the
Reset button
To search for all transactions meeting the selected criteria, click the
Search button.
To search for a single known ticket, enter the ticket number in the Ticket field (the same ticket number does not need to also be added to the To field). Click the
Search button.
To search for a range of ticket numbers, enter the beginning ticket number in the Ticket field and the ending ticket number in the To field. Click the
Search button.
To search for a group of tickets based on a date range, enter the beginning date in the Date field and the ending date in the To field. The date can be entered manually or by using the calendar control. The activate the calendar, click the
calendar button.
Click the
Search button. All tickets meeting the search criteria will be displayed.
Select Type
Use the Select Type drop-down list to narrow the search criteria to a specific transaction type. Available options include:
- All (Excluding Voided)
- All (Including Voided)
- Voided Tickets
- Incoming
- Outgoing
- Receivables
- Payables
- Payments/Credits (Including Cash)
- Payments/Credits (Excluding Cash
- Finance Charges
- Charge Transactions
- Cash Transactions
- No Charge Transactions
- Invoiced Charges
- Posted Payment/Credits
- Uninvoiced Charges (Excludeing Cash)
- Unposted Payments/Credits (Excluding Cash)
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Bill-To account, select the account from the available drop-down list.
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Hauler account, select the account from the available drop-down list.
Another option to search by Truck is activated when a specific Hauler account is selected. To enhance the search for a specific truck for the selected Hauler, select the truck from the available drop-down list.
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Job, select the Job from the available drop-down list.
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Material, select the material from the available drop-down list.
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Location, select the Location from the available drop-down list.
The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Price Table, select the price table from the available drop-down list.
Additional Categories
Any additional active categories are also available as search criteria. Interact will display the label used to activate the category. The default setting is -3 All. To search for transactions for a specific Category, select the category from the available drop-down list.
To activate additional categories, select Setup | Configure | Category #.
To search for text within a Note field, select the one of the active notes from the drop-down list and enter the text to search for in the available field.