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Table of Contents


To create and edit items in the Material table, select Maintain |  Material. The material table will appear.

Add a New Material

To add a new account Material, click the Image Removed New Image Added Add New button. A blank form appears.

Image RemovedImage Added

A valid entry only requires an Account a Code and an Account a Description.

  • Account Material Code can be up to twenty (20) characters in length and is an alpha numeric field.
  • Account Material Description can be up to 40 sixty (60) characters in length.

Enter a valid Account Material Code and Account Description. Click the Image Removed Image Added Save Changes button to continue.

Additional flags include Inactive and Revoked.

  • Inactive – When checked, this account material is inactive. It will not appear in any drop down lists on other screens.Revoked - When checked, this account is revoked. It will still appear in drop down lists on other screens but no transactions can be processed against it.

To undo any changes click the Image Removed Image Added Undo Changes button.


Ticket Type and Journal Ticket Type

When adding new accounts, the Ticket Type and Journal Ticket Type will automatically be set to use the ticket format set as the system default. Click the drop-down arrow to select a different ticket format file from the available list. The selected ticket format will be used for printed tickets.

Account Type

To minimize data entry, Interact contains one account table. Customer and Vendor accounts are added to the Account table. Use the Account Type to set the account as a Customer Only, Hauler Only, or Customer and Hauler.

Accounts can be defined at Customer Only, Hauler Only, or Customer and Hauler.

  • Customer Only- This account type indicates the customer will hire other vendors to haul for them. The account can only be selected from the Bill-To drop-down list in the Weigh form. A different account must be selected as the Hauler to start the transaction
  • Hauler Only – This account type protects the vendor from being charged for a product and receiving an invoice. They are hired by others to haul product for them. The account will appear in the Hauler list, but not in the Bill-To list in the Weigh form.
  • Customer and Hauler – This account type indicates the customer owns their own trucks and will haul for themselves and possibly others. This account will appear in both the Hauler and Bill-To lists in the Weigh form.

Transaction Defaults

When creating accounts, default items may be set for each category. Default categories are intended to simplify weigh form processing. Default selections can always be changed during the transaction. Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of available items to choose from in each category.

titleUnattended Note

When operating in Unattended mode, the default category cannot be changed during the transaction. To allow for prompting, leave the category set to -1 None. Other prompting options are available in Truck History and Orders/Jobs.


Up to three (3) addresses can be stored with each account. The labels for these fields can be modified in the Setup | Configure - Accounts section.


  • Weigh Form - Enter a message in the field provided. When the Display Message box is checked the message will appear during a transaction when the account is selected in the Weigh Form.
  • Invoice - Enter a message in the field provided. When the Print Message box is checked the message will appear at the bottom of the printed invoice.
  • Statement - Enter a message in the field provided. When the Print Message box is checked the message will appear at the bottom of the printed statement

    Default Material

    A default material item code other than -1 None can be selected by checking the Default Material options box. The material selected as the default material will be used during a transaction. The default material selected for an individual customer account will override this option. 

    Allow Price Overrides

    This flag is available when the Override Rates feature is enabled. When enabled the Allow Price Override check box becomes available. The price for Materials with this option selected can be changed during the time of the transaction. To allow price overrides, select Setup | Configure | Prices.  


    Requires a specific user login level to activate and configure. To verify user login permissions, select Maintain | Users.


    Not yet available.

    Material Inventory
    Material Inventory

    To activate inventory tracking for an item, select the Unit of Measure (UOM) to be used to track the item from the Units drop-down list weight (Pounds, Tons, Kilograms, Metric Tons), Yards, or Units. When active inventory will automatically be adjusted with each incoming and outgoing transaction.

    Selecting the UOM from the inventory section can be useful, even when material inventory is not tracked. When this option is active, the Units button in the Weigh form automatically switches from the default UOM to the UOM set in Inventory Units for the selected material.

    Use the Inventory report to view current inventory. Select Reporting, select Listing from the Category section and Material Inventory from the Definitions section.

    Image Added

    Material Locations

    Businesses with multiple locations may utilize the Locations feature. Businesses with a central home office and multiple remote locations or sites may have multiple materials they sell, but not all of the materials may be available for sale at all locations. When used with DataSync setting Material Locations will enable users to synchronize materials to their specific locations. Only those materials available to sell at each site will appear in the site specific database. To add Locations, select Maintain | Locations.

    To add all Locations to the material click the Image Added Add All button. DataSync will synchronize the material to all locations

    To add specific locations, click the Image Added Add button. A list of all available locations will appear. Select the location and click the Image Added Add Selected button. Select another location and click the Add Selected button until each specific location is listed. To cancel the selection, click the Image Added Cancel button. DataSync will synchronize the material to the selected locations.

    To remove a location from the list, select the location and click the Image Added Remove button.

    Sub Cats (Subcategories)

    The Material table can have one or two subcategories. Subcategories help group items in a table for reporting purposes. To activate the subcategories select Setup | Configure - Material. Once active they will be included in the Sub Cats section of the Material table. In the following example a subcategory labeled Type has been added. 

    Image Added

    Each of the material items in the table can be added to one of the user defined subcategories listed; None, Rock, Sand, and Other in our example. The subcategory is available when running reports where Material is selected as a Group Option. When one of these types is selected, only the material items belonging to that subcategory group will appear on the report.

    Click theImage Added Save Changes button to save changes. To undo any changes click the Image Added Undo Changes button.

    Conversion Factors

    Two conversion factors are available to convert pounds (or kilograms) to a user-defined unit of measure. To enable this option, select Setup | Configure | User-Defined Conversion UOM

    The new conversion fields(s) will be available in General Settings section of the Material table window. 

    Image Added

    Enter the conversion rate in the available field(s) for each item in the Material table. The conversion rate can be different for each material item.

    Click theImage Added Save Changes button to save changes. To undo any changes click the Image Added Undo Changes button.

    Custom Fields

    Custom fields can be used to store additional account material information. This information can be printed on tickets or used when exporting data for other software application such as 3rd party accounting systems.

    Up to five (5) custom fields can be activated for the Customer account type and Hauler account type. If an account is set as a Customer and Hauler account type, up to ten (10) custom fields could be available Material table.

    To activate custom fields, select Setup | Configure - Accounts.

    Editing and Existing Account

    Changing the Account

    Material. Once active they will be available in the Custom Fields section of the Material table. In the following example two of the five fields have been enabled.

    Image Added

    Editing an Existing Material

    Changing the Material Code

    To change the Account Material Code for an existing accountmaterial, select the account material from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the Image Removed theImage Added Save Changes button. A window similar to the following appears.

    Image Modified

    • Click the Change existing code button to change the code and save.
    • Click the Cancel button to not save changes and restore the original value
    • Click the Make a copy instead button to create a new record. 

    Changing the

    Account Description 

    Material Description 

    To change the Account Material Description for an existing accountmaterial, select the account material from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the Image Removed Image Added Save Changes button. A window similar to the following appears.

    Image Modified

    • Click the Change description button to save the changes and return to the Account Material Table.
    • Click the Cancel button to cancel all changes.


    an Account

    a Material

    To delete an Accounta Material, select the account material from the list or use the search field and click the Image Removed the Image Added Delete Record button. A window similar to the following will appear.

    Image Modified

    Click Yes to delete the accountthe material. Click No to cancel the deletion and return to the material table.


    An Account A Material cannot be deleted from the database if it is associated with a record in another table; such as the order/job table, transaction table, truck table etc.

    If a transaction has not been created for the accountmaterial, it may be possible to edit the other tables and remove or change the account or delete trucks from the account material and try deleting it again.

    If a transaction has already been created for the accountmaterial, it is best to set the account material Inactive.

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