Heidi Adams
Interact provides a wide range of standard reports. The reporting tool provides several ways to extract database information into a report. Database transactions matching the selected criteria are displayed in report format. Reports can be viewed, printed, or saved to a file.
Generating Reports
Select Reporting from the menu to open the Report Actions window. A window similar to the following will appear.
Report Definition
Different types of reports can be found in the Report Definition section. Report types are grouped by category.
The following report categories are available.
- Tonnage - provides reports related to tonnage and other quantities
- Tonnage and Charges - provides reports related to tonnage, quantities, rates, taxes, and charges
- Accounting - provides a number of reports related to accounting, payments & credits, balances, aging, etc.
- Listings - provides listing reports for all tables available in Interact
- Custom Reports - Custom reports created by AWS for a customer can be processed using this selection.
Specific reports for each category will be displayed in the Definitions section.
Report Settings
Detail Level
- Detailed - Includes individual transactions on the report.
- Summary - Collapses the individual transactions and displays a summary line based on selections in the Group Options section.
- Hourly Summary - Summarizes transactions for each hour of the day for the selected date range. This report does not break out each day when multiple days are selected in the date range.
- Daily Summary - Summarizes transactions for each day for the selected date range.
- Weekly Summary - Summarizes transactions for each week for the selected date range.
- Monthly Summary - Summarizes transactions for each month in the selected date range.
- Window - Allows for previewing the report. Click the View Report button to view the report. Use the navigation buttons in the Preview window to view pages or print.
- Printer - Send the report directly to the computers default windows printer. Click the Print Report button to print the report.
- File - Allows the user to create a file in one of the following formats. Click the Export Report button to create a file.
- Plain Text (txt)
- MS Excel (xlsx)
- MS Word (docx)
- Comma separated (.csv)
- Tab separated (.tsv)
Transaction Selection
- Date Range - Provides a list of preset commonly used date ranges as well a Custom to set a custom date range.
- From / To - Available when date range is set to custom. Use the Calendar controls to change the date range
- Transaction Types - Options include All, Edited, Void Only, No Void, etc.
- Direction - All, Incoming, or Outgoing
- Weighment
- Rcvbl / Payable
- Charge Type
- Ticket # Group
- Ticket list / range
- Location
Default Location
To set the Location default to be the same as the Location set in Machine Data select Settings | Configure - Miscellaneous. Check the box Default Location in Quick Scan and Reporting.
Sort Options
The Sort By option is currently set by the selected report.
Group Options
When a report's sort option is set to Ticket Number, groups can be added to the report. Three levels of grouping are available. All active database tables are available when grouping reports.
For example, to generate a Tonnage and Charge Report by Bill-To Code, click the Add button and select Bill-To from the drop-down list.
To group the report by Bill-To Code and Material Code, click the Add button and select Material Code from the second group option.
Use the List or Range section to limit the report to a specific record, list of records, or range of records.
- Use a comma to list records separately. Only the records listed will be included in the report.
- Use a dash to select a range of records. All records within the selected range will be included in the report.
Range Seperator
The dash separator can be changed to another character, see Setup | Configure | Reporting. It will be helpful to change the dash to another character (i.e.asterisk) if dashes are used in codes or descriptions.
Report Actions
- View Report is available when Media is set to Window, Printer, or File
- Print Report is available when Media is set to Printer
- Export Report is available when Media is set to File