Ticket Settings
A ticket format file is used by Interact as a template for generating printed or emailed transaction tickets. Use the Ticket Editor to create and modify ticket format files.
Multiple ticket formats can be created. Within the Interact program, a system default ticket is selected. Unless otherwise specified, all transaction tickets will print using the default ticket. A different ticket format file, that will override the system default ticket, can be selected for an individual account or truck.
To open the Ticket Editor, select Utilities | Ticket Editor. A window similar to the following will appear.

To create a new ticket design, click the
New button. A blank form appears.
Enter a meaningful name and file extension for the ticket, TicketSample.gtk for our example.
Click the
Save button to continue. To undo any changes click the
Undo button.
Ticket Design
Tickets may contain the following types of information.
- Static Text
- Database Fields
- Flag Fields
- Printer Commands
- Horizontal and Vertical Positioning
- Images and Logos
To accommodate multiple item transactions, the ticket is split into three sections: header, body, and footer. Header lines are printed once before the first transaction item. Body lines are printed once per transaction item. Footer lines are printed once after the last transaction item. Header lines are designated by the letter 'H' in the first character position of the format line. Body lines are designated by the letter 'B' and footer lines by the letter 'F'. Each section letter must be followed by a space.
Any format line without a section identifier is considered a header line.
Static Text
Static text fields are contained in double quote ("). Any desired text character enclosed in the double quotes, spaces included, will appear on the ticket.
Database Fields
Database fields that are stored in the Interact database. A database field is placed on a ticket by enclosing the field name in square brackets ([ ]). A list of available database fields can be found on the Ticket Keywords page.
Flag Fields
A flag is set in the database whenever a special condition has been met by a transaction. A list of available flag fields can be found in the Flag Fields section of the Ticket Keywords page.
Printer Commands
Every printer has its own set of commands.
Horizontal and Vertical Positioning
Commands used to align text and database fields on a printed ticket. Instructions to use horizontal and vertical positioning commands can be found on the Font and Positioning Commands page.
Images can be added to a ticket design using the following command: {IMAGE "filename,Horizontal,Vertical,Width,Height"}. The following example will print the image in the top left corner of the ticket.
- {IMAGE "Bedrock SGLogo,0,0,2.75,1.0"}
- Command - IMAGE
- Filename - Bedrock SGLogo
- Horizontal Position (X) - 0.0 Inches
- Vertical Position (Y) - 0.0 Inches
- Width of Image - 2.75 Inches
- Height of Image - 1.0 Inches
To view, add, or delete images from the database, click the
To preview the ticket design as a printed ticket, click the
Transaction Used for Preview
To select a specific transaction to be used when previewing a ticket design enter the ticket number in the space provided. To search for recent tickets click the
SEARCH TRANSACTIONS button. A list of recent transactions appears. Select one from the available list and click the
System Default and Custom Ticket Designs (new page)
Other ticket files can be created and used as custom tickets. To use a specific ticket for a particular customer, truck, or truck type, design the ticket and give the ticket a meaningful name. Select the account, truck or truck type then select the custom ticket filename from the available drop-down list. Click the
Save button to continue. To undo any changes click the
Undo button.
Ticket printing will choose the ticket name (excluding the suffix) of the file based on the following priority ranking:
- Truck Preference Ticket
- Truck Type Preference Ticket
- Account Preference Ticket
- System Global Ticket