Ticket Printing

Ticket Printing

Ticket Printing

Use the Ticket Printing section to select default ticket format files for the scale and journal printer, select to print incoming and error tickets, and manage ticket format files.

To select default ticket types and update ticket format files, select Setup | Weigh Options | Ticket Printing. A window similar to the following appears.

Ticket Type

Use the Ticket Type drop-down arrow to select from available ticket format files. This ticket format will be used as the default ticket format for all transactions unless otherwise specified.

Ticket Types can also be set at the truck, truck type, and account levels. When Interact initiates the print ticket command, Interact will look for the ticket type in the following order; job, truck, truck type, account, and finally the global ticket type. 


Use the + / - to increase or decrease the number of tickets to be printed.

Click the  Save button to continue.

Journal Type

Journal ticket extensions follow the same rules as regular ticket extensions. Typically Journal ticket filenames are different from the standard ticket filenames. Use the Journal Type drop-down arrow to select from available ticket format files. This journal ticket format will be used as the default journal ticket format for all transactions unless otherwise specified.

Journal Ticket Types can also be set at the job, truck, truck type, and account levels. When Interact initiates the print ticket command, Interact will look for the ticket type in the following order; job, truck, truck type, account, and finally the global ticket type.


Use the + / - to increase or decrease the number of tickets to be printed.

Click the  Save button to continue.

Ticket Editor

To edit or create new ticket formats, click the  Ticket Editor shortcut button to open the Ticket Settings window. 

This window can also be opened by selecting Utilities | Ticket Editor.

To return to the Ticket Printing window, click the  Back button.

Reprinted Tickets Go To

When a ticket is reprinted from the Weigh form or from the Transaction editor it can be sent to the Ticket Printer, Journal, Printer or Both

To select where tickets are to be reprinted, select the printer option from the Reprinted Tickets Go To drop-down box.

Print Incoming Ticket

When checked, Incoming tickets will be printed on both the incoming and outgoing side of a transaction. Interact will look for a ticket format file with a .ITK extension (i.e. SampleLaser.ITK). If no incoming ticket is found, Interact will use the selected .GTK ticket format file (i.e. SampleLaser. GTK). This makes it possible to have a different ticket format for both the incoming and outgoing ticket.

Print Incoming Journal Ticket

In order to print an inbound and outbound journal ticket, the filename must be different from the standard ticket filename. 

  • .JTK - This format file will be used for completed Outbound transactions (JournalSample.GTK).
  • .ITK - This format file will be used for Inbound transactions when a transaction is started (JournalSample.ITK).

When checked, Incoming Journal tickets will be printed on both the incoming and outgoing side of a transaction. Interact will look for a ticket format file with a .ITK extension (i.e. JournalSample.ITK). If no incoming ticket is found, Interact will use the selected .GTK ticket format file (i.e. JournalSample. GTK). This makes it possible to have a different ticket formats for both the incoming and outgoing journal tickets.

Print Error Ticket

This feature is only available for unattended ticket processing. When checked, Interact will use the ErrTicket.gtk format file to print an error ticket when a transaction cannot be saved due to an error condition. Include the keyword [Truck Description] as part of the ticket format file. The error message is temporarily stored in this field and printed on the ticket. 

The following error conditions will cause an error ticket to be printed when processing unattended transactions.

  • Under Minimum Weight
  • Over Maximum Weight
  • Under Gross Weight
  • Over Maximum Weight

The ErrTicket.gtk file can be created using  Utilities | Ticket Editor or by using a text editor such as Notepad and importing the file into the database. 

Email Tickets from this Machine

Uses the Interact Server module (IaS) to email tickets. 

An additional button will appear in the Quick Scan transaction detail window. To email a ticket, click the  Email Ticket button. The ticket will be emailed to the email address stored in the account table. 

Email Open Ticket from this Machine

Uses the Interact Server module (IaS) to email tickets. This option will email open transactions to the email address stored in the account table. 

Allow Reprinting of Open Transactions

Allows the operator to enter an open ticket number for printing when the Reprint ticket button in the Weigh form is clicked. The open ticket can also be printed from the Quick Scan screen using the Print Selected button. 

Ticket Formats

Installed Formats

Ticket format files are used by Interact as a template for generating transaction tickets. The format file can be generated with any text editor (such as Notepad) and imported into the database or by using the Ticket Editor

The Installed Formats window displays a list of all available ticket formats for use.

Import File

When a ticket format file has been created using a text editor, it will need to be imported into the database before it can be used. To import a new ticket format file, click the  Import File button. Navigate to the location where the file is saved. Double click the file name or select the file and click the  Open button.

Export File

When a ticket format file has been created using the Ticket Editor or when an exiting format has been edited using the Ticket Editor, it will need to be exported before it can be edited using a text editor. To export an existing ticket format file, click the  Export File button. Navigate to a location to store the file and click the  Save button. 

Remove Format

To remove a ticket format from the list, click the  Remove Format button. The ticket format is deleted from within the database. Format files located outside of the database are not deleted.

Ticket Priority and Custom Ticket Designs

Other ticket files can be created and used as custom tickets. Click the above link to learn more about custom tickets and ticket priority.

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