Accounting Permissions
Heidi Adams
Accounting Database Permissions
Use Accounting Database Permissions to configure which database or databases are allowed to generate invoices, apply payments to invoices, and generate statements.
This option is only available with the accounting versions of Interact, Interact Invoice Only and Interact Pro.
To configure invoice permissions, select Setup | Accounting Permissions. A window similar to the following will appear.
Select the Invoicing tab.
"This Database" refers to the database Interact is currently logged into. To verify the Database Name, select the About button from the Dashboard. The Database Name will appear in the list.
Allow One Database to Invoice All Transactions
This is the most common setting. This setting indicates invoices will be generated from only one database, typically the master or primary database. When the DataSync application is in use, the sites will not be allowed to generate their own invoices. Their data is synchronized to the master or primary database where invoices are generated.
Click the drop-down arrow to select the database. When DataSync is in use, all databases will be listed. Be certain to select the "This database" option to generate invoices from the database currently in use.
Choose which database will Invoice each Ticket Group
This option will allow the user to choose which database will invoice each ticket group. This option will allow remote sites to generate their own invoices on a site-by-site basis.
When the Choose which database will Invoice each Ticket Group is selected a window similar to the following will appear.
The Ticket Number Group column provides a list of all ticket number groups available in the database. The Invoice in database column lists all of the databases This Database has ever synchronized with.
Select the ticket number groups to be invoiced by the selected database, then select the database allowed to generate invoices for the selected ticket number groups from the Invoice in Database group.
In the above example This Database will generate invoices for the Office and Scale ticket number groups.
The Remote Pit ticket number group will be invoiced from the DSyncTest_QB database. The remote site must be licensed for Interact Invoice Only or Interact Pro in order to generate invoices. DataSync will synchronize the invoices back to the master/primary database.
The remote site could also be allowed to receive payments on the account (See Accounting | Receive Payments). The site must be licensed to run Interact Pro to enter payments.
Distribute Payments
Click the Distribute Payments tab to the right of the Invoicing tab to select the database allowed to distribute payments and credits to open invoices. Only one database is allowed to distribute payments and credits, this will typically be the master/primary database.
Click the Statement tab to the right of the Distribut Payments tabl to select the database allowed to generate statements. Only one database is allowed to generate statements, this will typically the master/primary be the database.