Weigh In / Weigh Out Transactions


A transaction that does not utilize a stored tare weight is considered a Weigh In / Weigh Out transaction. The vehicle must be weighted coming into the site and exiting the site. The weight in and the weight out are used to calculate the net weight of the transaction.

Weigh In

To start a transaction, click Weigh from the menu bar. The Create Transaction window will appear.

The scale weight will change as the vehicle drives on the scale.

All transactions are started by selecting a Truck, Hauler, or Job.

For this example the transaction will be started by selecting a hauler from the Hauler drop-down list.

Once the hauler is selected, press the Enter key on the keyboard to continue. The Transaction Details window appears.

The above is an example of the Transaction Details window in its simplest form. Additional fields may appear on this form when zones for calculating freight, additional categories, or any of the 23 note fields are active.

The scale weight appears in the WEIGHT IN field. 

The scale operator can simply go through the list, select the items required for the transaction, and click the  Store Ticket button.

The driver can exit the scale. All open tickets remain in the Open Transactions list until the driver returns to weigh out.

Weigh Out

When the vehicle returns to the scale, the weight will be displayed in the scale area. To complete an open ticket, select the open ticket from the Open Transactions list.

After selecting the ticket, the Transaction Details window reappears. The Transaction Details window contains information stored during the Weigh In process. If the incorrect ticket was selected, click the Cancel button to return to the Open Transactions list.

The scale weight appears in the WEIGHT OUT field, the WEIGHT NET is calculated, and any weight conversions are listed under the WEIGHT NET field.

Charges are calculated based on default settings at the account or job level. The Added Charge field is available if any additional fees need to be added to the transaction. 

Click the Complete Ticket button to complete the transaction. The Process Ticket Payment window appears. 

The Process Ticket Payment window is a summary of the transaction charges.

Click the  Close Ticket and Print button to complete the transaction.

Credit/Charge on Account

The Payment type will be set based on the accounting terms set for the Bill-To account. When None is the selected item, it indicates the customer is allowed to charge on their account. They will receive an invoice the next time invoices are generated. The above screen shot is an example of a charge account.

Click the Close Ticket and Print button to complete the transaction and print the ticket.

Payment Type

Interact does not limit a charge on account customer from paying for a ticket at the time of the transaction. Select the payment type from the available options and complete the ticket.

Cash Accounts

 A "cash" transaction is a transaction where the customer is paying for the product at the time of the transaction. They will not be billed or invoiced later. When an account's terms are set to Cash Only, the Cash payment type will be set. The customer must make a payment at the time of the transaction. The None option will not be available. 

Other Buttons

When the  Close Ticket (Don't Print) button is used, the transaction will be completed, but a ticket will not be printed.

To return to the Transaction Details window, click the Cancel button. 

To return to the Create Transaction window, click the  Cancel Ticket button.