Weigh Transactions using Stored Tare Weights
Heidi Adams
Stored tare weights allow for single weighments when the vehicle is full. Interact can store up to three tare types: Tare1, Tare2, and Tare3. the names of these tables can be custom configured according to the end user's specific application.
Tare Weight
Tare refers to the empty weight of the vehicle. Gross refers to the vehicle weight plus the load. Net refers to the gross weights minus the Tare weight.
Material Direction
Interact determines how a stored tare weight is used based on the default material direction set in Setup | Weigh Options. When the default material direction is set to Outgoing any stored tares will be stored in the Weigh In field during a transaction. When the default material direction is set to Incoming any stored tares will be stored in the Weigh Out field during a transaction.
The default direction can always be changed during a transaction or set differently for Job Items.
Stored Tare Transaction
Default Direction = Outgoing
To start a transaction, click Weigh from the menu bar. The Create Transaction window will appear.
Trucks with stored tare weights can bypass the weigh in process and go directly into the yard to pick up their load. The truck returns to the scale once they are loaded. The weight on the scale represents the gross weight of the truck.
Start the transaction by selecting a Truck, Hauler or Job (Hauler for our example). Press the Enter key on the keyboard to continue.
The Transaction Details window appears.
Select the truck with the stored tare weight from the Truck drop-down list.
The tare weight is displayed in the Weigh In field, the gross weight on the scale is displayed in the Weigh Out field. The difference between the Weigh In (tare) and Weigh Out (gross) is calculated and displayed in the Weigh Net field.
Additional transaction details are collected, such as material, job, notes, etc. To complete the transaction, click the Complete Ticket button.
The Process Ticket Payment window appears.
Click the Close Ticket and Print button to complete the transaction.
Default Direction = Incoming
To start a transaction, click Weigh from the menu bar. The Create Transaction window will appear.
The truck arrives on site loaded. The loaded truck drives onto the scale. The scale displays the gross weight of the truck.
Start the transaction by selecting a Truck, Hauler or Job (Hauler for our example). The Transaction Details window appears.
Select a truck with a stored tare weight from the Truck drop-down list (Truck 15401 for our example).
The tare weight is displayed in the Weigh Out field, the gross weight on the scale is displayed in the Weigh In field. The difference between the Weigh Out (tare) and Weigh In (gross) is calculated and displayed in the Weigh Net field.
Additional transaction details are collected, such as material, job, notes, etc. To complete the transaction, click the Complete Ticket button.
The Process Ticket Payment window appears.
Click the Close Ticket and Print button to complete the transaction.
Multiple Tare Weights
The following is an example of a stored tare transaction using two of the three available tare tables. Default direction is set to Outgoing.
Start the transaction by selecting a Truck, Hauler, or Job (Hauler for our example). Select each tare type from each of the tare lists (Truck and Trailer for our example).
The sum of the selected tares is displayed in the Weigh In field. The scale weight is displayed in the Weigh Out field. The difference between the Weigh In (tare) and Weigh Out (gross) is calculated and displayed in the Weigh Net field.
Additional transaction details are collected, such as material, job, notes, etc. To complete the transaction, click the Complete Ticket button.
The Process Ticket Payment window appears.
Click the Close Ticket and Print button to complete the transaction.
Change Material Direction or Ignore Tare
Change Direction
Use the Direction field to change the material direction for the current transaction.
Ignore Tare
Select Ignore Tare from the drop-down list to ignore the stored tare weight and process the transaction as a weigh in / weigh out transaction.
Update Tare Weights
The Tare button in the Transaction Details window allows for tare weights to be updated without leaving the Weigh screen. With the empty truck on the scale start the transaction by entering a truck or selecting a Hauler from the drop-down list.
Click the Tare button. A message similar to the following will appear.
Click the YES button to replace the old tare weight with the current weight on the scale.
When the "Cancel Transaction After Updating Tare" feature is activated in the Truck section of the Setup | Weigh Options window, the transaction is automatically cancelled.
When the "Cancel Transaction After Updating Tare" feature is inactive in the Truck section of the Setup | Weigh Options window, the operator can continue processing the transaction and store the ticket or they can click the Cancel Ticket button to manually cancel the transaction.
Other Buttons
When the Close Ticket (Don't Print) button is used, the transaction will be completed, but a ticket will not be printed.
To return to the Transaction Details window, click the Cancel button.
To return to the Create Transaction window, click the Cancel Ticket button.