Custom Reports

Custom Reports

Use the Custom Reports window to upload and configure custom reports created by AWS.

To load the Custom Reports window, select Setup | Custom Reports. A window similar to the following appears.

 To add a new report, click the  New button. A blank form appears.

Enter a meaningful name for the report in the Title field.

Click the  Select File button. Navigate to the location of the custom file, select the file and click the   Open button. The filename appears in the space provided. 

To run the custom report in place of a standard Interact report, enter the Interact report filename in the Replaces Standard field.

Interact Report Filename

The report path and filename can be found in the lower right hand corner of a printed report. Only the filename is entered in the Replace Standard field.

Click the  Save button to continue. To undo any changes click the  Undo button.

Editing an Existing Report Title

Changing the Report Title

To change the Report Title for an existing report, select the report from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the  Save button. A window similar to the following appears.

  • Click the Change existing code button to change the code and save.
  • Click the Cancel button to not save changes and restore the original value
  • Click the Make a copy instead button to create a new record. 

Delete a Report

To delete a Report select the report from the list or use the search field and click the Delete button. A window similar to the following will appear.

Click  Yes to delete the report. Click  No to return to the report window.

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