ValPay Onboarding
T&Cs & Application Instructions
You will receive a contract from with the subject line “Continue to onboarding”. In that email, there will be a clickable link to access the Terms and Conditions of your contract. Click on that link.
This link will bring you to a new window which outlines key terms, your fee schedule for card present and card not present transactions as well as your full Terms and Conditions.
At the bottom of the page, input your first and last name and click “Agree”.
Once done, the message below will show. Click on the “Adyen onboarding” link to move on to the onboarding section for business information submission and underwriting. You can also access this link via a unique claim link which you receive via email with a copy of your signed T&Cs.
In the Adyen onboarding, you will need to enter company details, decision maker information and payout details.
In the decision makers section, you will be asked to provide a controlling person, an owner with more than 25% ownership and at least one signatory. Please note that one person can be all 3 of these (ex: a 100% owner of a business filling out the application). If you don’t have any owners with more than 25% ownership, you can simply provide a signatory and controlling person
For anyone who needs to be added as any or all of these 3 roles, click on “Add Decision Maker”. On the following screen in the “role” dropdown, click on the checkbox for any or all of the 3 roles that said person qualifies for. In the case of the 100% owner who is filling out the application, you would select all 3 checkboxes.
In providing all required personal details of each decision maker, you will be asked to enter
their address. Please ensure to enter their address as it appears on their driver’s license or
government issued ID, and not the business address.Once completed for all decision makers, you are on to the final section of providing payout
details. This is where you will receive your funds and get your fees taken out of. The quickest
way of getting approved is to verify the bank account via mobile bank app or bank website, but
there is also an option of providing account details by uploading a bank document such as a
bank statement or voided check.
Download ValPay Onboarding PDF