Signature Capture (Sig-2)

Signature Capture (Sig-2)


Sig-2 is an additional signature capture module available for purchase. The module is capable of capturing signatures from a device such as a touch screen monitor, Windows embedded tablet, or a touch screen kiosk designed by AWS.

Windows S Mode

Windows S mode must be turned off when using a tablet. S mode allows only apps from Microsoft Store and requires Microsoft Edge for safe browsing. Turning off S mode will allow for the Sig-2 module to be installed on the device.

Device Startup

When Sig-2 is running it will take over the device. For example, when Sig-2 is run on a PC it will take over the monitor used to start the application. When Sig-2 is run on a computer that is also running Interact it is best to have a second monitor. Typically, the second monitor will be a touch screen monitor. The Sig-2 desktop shortcut is displayed on the second monitor.

When Sig-2 is running the following startup screen appears.

An AWS support technician will help with installation, setup, and training.

Interact Configuration

To configure Interact to communicate with the signature device, select Setup | Weigh Options - Configure. A window similar to the following will appear.

Images Directory

Interact will automatically create a directory to store images. The directory is created when the first image is created. The default directory is C:\ProgramData\AWS\Interact\Images. To change the default directory, click the  SET button, navigate to the desired directory and click the  Select Folder button.

Sig-2 Address

Enter the IP address for the device in the Sig-2 address field followed by a colon and the port number. The port number will always be 12234. In the above example the Sig-2 application will be run on the local PC. The loopback or localhost IP address followed by the port number :12234 will allow the Sig-2 application to run on the location PC. This configuration will allow the user to have two monitors connected to the PC. The primary monitor will be used to run the Interact application and the secondary monitor (perhaps a touch screen monitor) would be used for capturing signatures.

Signature image number

Interact can support up to 9 images. Set the image number to a number that is not in use for any other images such as cameras or a logo. Set the Signature image number to one (1) when no other images are in use. This number will be used to print images to on a ticket. 

Click the  Save button to continue.

Click the Undo button to reset changes.

Processing a Transaction

Select the Weigh button to enter the ticketing screen. Start a transaction by selecting a Truck, Hauler, or Job. As soon as the second weigh screen appears the signature screen appears on the Sig-2 device. The signature screen looks similar to the following.

The driver can sign at any time. The driver or scale operator can click the accept button to accept the signature or clear button to clear the image and sign again. The signature appears in the weigh screen similar to the image below.

The Sig-2 window returns to the startup image. When necessary, the scale operator can click the  red x to reject the image and ask the driver to sign again. The Sig-2 signature window reappears on the signature device.

When the signature is captured during the weigh in portion of the transaction, it will also appear during the weigh out portion of the transaction. The image can be rejected at any time. The signature screen is only available when a signature does not already exist.

Ticket Configuration

To print signatures on a ticket, refer to the Dynamic Image sections of the Ticket Keywords | Flag Fields | Images.

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