

Interact provides a utility for backing up the database, all configuration settings, and custom reports into a single zipped file.  When a backup is created it is a full backup of the database and all configuration files. 

To create a database backup, click Utilities | Backup. A window similar to the following will appear.

Backup Folder / Backup File name

These boxes contain the name of the folder where the backup file will be placed and the name the file will be given. To change the default folder, click the OPTIONS... button. To make a one time change, click the SET... button to select a different folder.

Click the BACKUP button to create the backup.


To set up default backup operations, click the OPTIONS... button. A window similar to the following appears.

Default Backup Directory

  • Remember last directory used - When this option is selected, the default backup folder is automatically set to the last folder used.
  • Always start in the following directory - When this option is selected, the backup will always be stored in the folder selected.

SQL Server Remote Backup

Use Shared Folder

When the database resides on a remote SQL server, the Interact user does not always have all of the permissions necessary for the Interact backup utility to include the database in the backup file.

If allowed, the IT department can create a shared folder on the server with the necessary permissions to generate a backup file with the database included.

Extract DB

Not all IT departments are able to provide a folder on the SQL server for backups. 

Default Filename

When first installed, Interact is programmed to generate backups using a default filename. The default backup filename is generated by appending the system date to the letters "bu", i.e., where mm is the two digit month, dd is the two digit day, and yyyy is the four digit year. 

  • Prefix - Enter a static set of characters used to begin the backup filename; BU in our example
  • Date Format -Choose a date format from the available drop-down list; mmddyyyy in our example 
  • Example - An example of the filename is displayed based on the prefix and date format selections.

Click the  SAVE button to save changes. Click the CANCEL button to return to the Backup window.


Click the SET... button to make a one time change by selecting a different folder. When clicked, Windows File Explorer will open. Use this window to temporarily change the backup filename and storage location.

Click the  SAVE button to save changes. Click the CANCEL button to return to the Backup window.

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