Reverse Payments

Reverse Payments

Receipts that have been distributed to a charge (invoice or finance charge) can no longer be edited. They must be reversed and changes applied back to the account.

To reverse a payment from the Payments tab click the Distributed Receipts and Credits tab.

Click the  Reverse button to the right of the receipt to be reversed. A flyout window similar to the following will appear.

Select the invoice or invoices the receipt was applied to.

To reverse both the invoice and the receipt click the  Reverse button. 

The original receipt appears in the Undistributed Receipts and Credits tab and the invoice appears in the Charges tab.

To reverse the receipt at the same time, place a check in the Reverse the entire receipt by setting it's value to $0.00 box.

When the  Reverse button is clicked the receipt is restored and the payment amount set to $0.00 at the same time. It will not appear in the Undistributed Receipts and Credits list. It will appear in the Distributed Receipts and Credits list as a $0.00 payment.

The invoice appears in the Charges tab.

Over Payments

Once any portion of a payment has been applied to an invoice it can no longer be edited. When an over payment occurs and the remaining payment will NOT be distributed to future charges it can be reversed. The following is an example of a payment that exceeded the amount of the invoice. 

To reverse only the additional amount ($54.59 for our example) click the Reverse button.

Place a check in the Reverse only the undistributed part box and click the  Reverse button. The additional part of the payment is reversed and cleared from account activity.

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