Weight Displays

Device Labels

All active weight types will appear in the Weight Data section. The name or label of each weight type will be included to identify each weight type. The simulator and manual scale type labels are hard coded into the application; the Sim Scale, Manual Scale, and Manual Entry labels cannot be changed.

Digital weight indicator devices added to Interact require a name to be included during setup.

Digital Weight Indicator

When a digital weight indicator is connected, Interact reads the weight provided by the scale and displays it in the display window. The scale unit of measure (lb for pound or kg for kilogram) also appears in the display window.

When a scale device is configured, Interact requires the user to name the scale. This name is used in the Weigh screen to identify each weight device. The digital weight indicator in the example below has been named Scale.

Other Weight Types

Other weight types can be activated through Setup | Weight Options

Sim Scale

When the Include scale port option is selected, the weight type label Sim Scale will appear. Arrows for increasing and decreasing a truck weight are available. Simulated weights are increased and decreased in increments of 3,000 pounds.

Manual Scale

When the Include manual scale option is selected, the Manual Scale weight type will be available in the weigh form. Only one weight (gross or tare) can be entered at a time. The transaction must be stored between manual weight entries.

This option will allow the scale operator to manually enter a scale weight. This option is not always available. NTEP in some areas may not allow this option to be set.

Manual Entry

When the Include manual scale option is selected, the Manual Entry weight type will be available in the weigh form. Both weights can be entered at the same time. 

Use the Set Date button to set a date different from the current date. This feature is available for multiple reasons.

  • Manually entering transactions from a previous day because the scale system was unavailable
  • Manually entering transactions from a different location.

The selected date will continue to be used for all manually entered transactions until the Set Date is changed or the weigh form is no longer the focus.

The time cannot be entered during the time of the transaction. The current system time will be used. Use Quick Scan to change the time if it is required. 

A scroll bar will appear when more weight types are available than there is space in the window.