Balance Forward List Ticket Statements

Balance Forward List Ticket Statements


The Balance Forward List Ticket Statement (BFLT) combines invoice generation and statement processing. Invoices are simply a list of all new transactions for a selected date range. They do not include payments, credits, etc. Statements include the current balance, invoices, payments, credits, finance charges, etc. When a company wishes to list the scale tickets on the statement instead of the invoice we use the BFLT statement.

Because Interact is designed to work with Invoices and Statements, the BFLT statement will generate an invoice in the background. The statement includes a sub total for the new charges and the invoice number that was generated and assigned to the scale tickets. 

The BFLT option does not allow scale tickets to be edited once the BFLT statement has been posted. Use the following instructions to reverse a ticket and generate a new invoice.

Correcting a ticket with the wrong material

Use the instructions to Save and Clone a Reverse Transaction.

The reverse process will display the tickets created to clone and reverse the original ticket and the credit created that will be used to apply to the original invoice. The following is an example of how the information will be displayed.

Apply the Credit

To apply the credit to the invoice select Accounting | Credit Memos

The credit will be created using the current date and not the date of the original transaction. In this example the date needs to be changed in order for it to appear on the new statement. 

Click the Edit button to change the date.

In our example the date has been changed to be the same as the original transaction.

Click the  Update Credit button to save changes.

Click the Apply Payments and Credits tab. A window similar to the following will appear.

Check the credit In the Payments and Credit section, then check the invoice in the Charges section the credit will be applied to. Credit Scale-2 and Invoice 1005 in our example.

Click the  Apply Selected Payments button.

Correct the new transaction

Use Quick Scan to correct the cloned ticket, ticket Scale-1013 in our example. For our example the material was changed from Solid Waste to Construction and Demo.

Generate a new statement

Select Accounting | Statements. Select (new) or select the posted entry with the original invoice and click the Copy Settings button. Click the Clear Selection button to unselect all accounts. Select only the account needing the adjustment, McDonnell Disposal, Inc. for our example.

Click the Create Statements button to preview the statement. Click the Post Statements button when the statement is correct.

The new statement will include the previous balance, the corrected ticket and the credit applied to the original invoice. It will look similar to our example. In this example the rate for the Solid Waste and Construction and Demo materials is the same.

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