Ticket Type Hierarchy
Ticket formats can be assigned to an account, truck type and truck in addition to a global ticket format. Set the default ticket format that will be used by this truck type to print tickets. The following hierarchy rule is used to determine which ticket format will be used to print a transaction ticket:
- Job - If specified in the Job table, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use Truck format.
- Truck - If specified in the Truck tab, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Truck Type format.
- Truck Type - If specified in the truck type table, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Account format.
- Account - If specified in the account table, then this format will be used. If "System Default Ticket", then use the Global format.
- Global - This format, set in the Setup | Weigh Options – Ticket Printing, is used if all previous settings are "System Default Ticket".
Price Hierarchy
- Job - Rate set for a material item within a job, including a rate of $0.00.
- Job default price - rate in selected price table when material is added to the job.
- Account default price - rate in the selected price table
- Location default price - rate in the selected price table
- Default Price - rate used when material is not part of a custom price table.
A default price table for new accounts can be set in the Setup | Configure | Accounts window.
Tax Hierarchy
- Job - taxable flag set for a material item within a job
- Job default price - tax selected from Bill-To account when selected.
- Price Table | Prices - taxable flag set for a material.
- Account default tax - tax selected from Setup | Configure | Accounts unless otherwise specified. Default tax code set to Exempt upon installation.
- Location default tax - tax selected when a tax code is not set for the account or job.
A default tax code for new accounts can be set in the Setup | Configure | Accounts window.
Weight Limits
Tare Weight Limits
- Truck - if specified in Truck Table
Gross Weight Limits
- Truck - if specified in Truck Table
- Global - if specified in Setup | Weight Options - Weighing
Net Weight Limits
- Global - if specified in Setup | Weight Options - Weighing
- Job - freight from material item with a job
- Freight Table - freight from Zone when freight tables are in use.