Override Rates Example

Using Override Rates

The Override Rates feature allows will allow scale operators to change rates at the time of a transaction.

Set Up

User Access

The logged in user must have Save or Save and Delete permissions to the Material table and Save permissions to the Settings table. Select Maintain | Users to view permissions.

Configuration Settings

To enable the feature select Setup | Configure - Prices. Check the Allow Price Overrides option. Click the  Save button to save changes

Material Settings

Verify the Material table is configured correctly. Select Maintain | Material. To allow a user to override the rate for a material, check the Allow Price Overrides option for each material. Click the  Save Changes button to save changes.

When adding a new material to the Material table., Allow Price Overrides is disabled.

Overriding the Rate During a Transaction

To override rates during a transaction, click the Override rates button toward the bottom of the second weigh form. 

A window similar to the following will appear.

Make desired changes and click the OK button. For our example the Base Matrl, Freight, and Freight Payable rates can be changed. The rates will be changed for only this transaction. Click the CANCEL button to cancel any changes and return to the weigh form.