Multiple Items Per Transaction

Multiple Items Per Transaction


Use the multiple items per transaction feature to assign multiple items to a single ticket. This feature can be enabled by selecting Setup | Weigh Options - Features. Place a check in the box to the left of the Multiple item per ticket option.

Click the  Save button to continue.

When enabled, items for different category types and units of measure can be placed on the same ticket. Each item is stored as a separate transaction. These items can be grouped together and totaled when printing a ticket.

Copy Notes When Adding Item

When enabled all notes added to the first item will be copied automatically to the note fields for additional items.


All items of a multiple item ticket must have the same Bill-To, Hauler, Truck, Job, and Tax Code. If any of these fields are changed during a multiple item ticket a warning will appear. Click OK and change the fields back to the original selection. If the user cannot remember the fields originally selected, select a previous item in the list or cancel the transaction and start over.

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