Axle Weighing - Printing Axle Weights on Tickets

Printing Axle Weights on Tickets:

Axle weights can be stored temporarily with inbound and outbound transactions using Note fields. These note fields can be printed on tickets. The axle weights stored during the inbound transaction will be replaced with the axle weights during the outbound transaction.

Activate Note

To activate note fields to store axle weights select Setup | Configure | Ticket Notes

Select an available note field and enter Axle # as the Label. Replace the # with the axle number, i.e. Axle 1. Up to fifteen (15) axle weighments can be entered.

To print axle weights on a ticket use ticket keyword [Axle #] replace the # with 1 – 15. The note keyword will also work; i.e. [Notes 2]


When entering the Label there must be a space between the word Axle and the number. Example: Axle 1. 

The following is an example where Note 1 is labeled as Memo. The 'On trans view' option will ensure the Memo field will appear on the second weigh form. Notes 2, 3, and 4 will be used to store axle weights. Axle weighs will automatically appear under the scale weight, the 'On trans view' check box is not required.

Click the  Save button to save changes. Click the  Undo button to cancel any changes. 

Ticket Format

The following is an example of how the axle note fields can be added to a printed ticket format file. These commands can be added to any ticket format file; .gtk, .utk, .jtk.

H [HPOS] "0.2" "Axle 1: " [Axle 1]
H [HPOS] "0.2" "Axle 2: " [Axle 2]
H [HPOS] "0.2" "Axle 3: " [Axle 3]

To print axles weighs on an inbound ticket the Print Incoming Ticket feature must be enabled and commands added to incoming ticket format files with extensions; .itk or .wtk.