Ticket Design

Create a Ticket Format or Template

To open the Ticket Editor, select Utilities | Ticket Editor. A window with a list of all available templates, similar to the following, will appear. 

To create a new ticket design, click the   New button. A blank form appears.

Ticket Configuration

It is import to know and understand all of the ticketing commands, extensions, and keywords before beginning a new ticket design. Review the Ticket Configuration and Overview page to learn more.

Enter a meaningful name and file extension for the ticket, TicketSample.gtk for our example. Click the Save Changes button to continue. 

Design the ticket. 

Related Links

Additional documentation can be found in the Related Links section on this page.


Click the  Save Changes button at any time to save changes. Click the  Undo Changes button to undo any changes since the last save.

Transaction Used for Preview

To preview the ticket design use the Transaction Used For Preview . To select a specific transaction to be used when previewing a design enter the ticket number in the space provided or click the Search Transaction button to find a ticket. A list of recent transactions appears.

Click the  Refresh Preview button to preview the ticket design with the selected ticket. Continue making changes until desired design is achieved. Click the  Save Changes button to save changes.

Ticket File Import

A ticket format file created using a text editor such as Notepad, can be imported into Interact. Once the file has been imported additional modifications can be made to the ticket using Ticket Editor. Select Setup | Weigh Options to learn more. This is a great way to import ticket format files used in older revisions of Interact.

Error Messages

Unrecognized name extension Error

All ticket templates must be saved with an extension. The ticket name is followed by a period (.) and three additional characters. Interact uses file extensions to perform different functions; the file extension will tell Interact if the ticket should print for an outbound transaction or an inbound transaction or an unattended transaction. The following error message will appear when a valid extension is missing.

Go to the Ticket Extensions page to learn more about ticket extensions.

Unknown Field Error

Interact will do it's best to find errors in the ticket template. The following is an example of an error that occurred when saving the ticket template. 

The above error indicates the template contains an unknow flag field labeled "EDIT" and the line number where it exists. The command will not work correctly until it is fixed. In this case the correct flag field is "EDITED". Click this link to view a list of available Ticket Keywords and Flag Fields.

Selecting Default Ticket Types

Once the ticket has been designed it can be selected to be used as the default Ticket Type or Journal Type for all transactions. Select Setup | Weight Options - Ticket Printing.

Unless otherwise specified, all transaction tickets will print using the default ticket types. A different ticket format file, that will override the system default ticket, can be selected for an individual account, truck, or truck type.

Modify Static Images

The Ticket Editor window provides a shortcut to the upload window. To view, add, or delete images from the database, click the  Modify static images button. Images can also be uploaded by selecting Setup | Configure - Static Images

The Static Images flyout will appear and look similar to the following.

Click the  Add button. Click the  Load/Replace Image button. Navigate to where the image is stored and double click (or select the image with one click followed by clicking the Open button). 

The file Bedrock SGLogo is uploaded. Click the  Save button to continue. Click the  arrow to close the flyout window.