Accounting Groups

Accounting Groups

Accounting Groups take the guess work out of selecting individual accounts when a business processes invoices or statements at different times for different customers. A business may invoice one group of accounts weekly and another group monthly or statements may be run with different parameters (finance charges, statement format, email, not emailed etc.) for different groups of accounts.

Invoice Groups

Lists the names of the invoice groups. Twenty (20) invoice groups are available. To set the default group for new accounts, set the radio button in the Default column for the desired group. 

To add a new group, select an empty field. Enter the group name (i.e. bi-monthly) and click the  Save button.

To edit an existing group name, select the field, make changes and click the  Save button.

To undo any changes, click the  Undo button.

Statement Groups

Lists the names of the statement groups. Twenty (20) statement groups are available. To set the default group for new accounts, set the radio button in the Default column for the desired group.

To add a new group, select an empty field. Enter the group name and click the  Save button.

To edit an existing group name, select the field, make changes and click the  Save button.

To undo any changes, click the  Undo button.

To assign an account to invoice and statement groups, select Maintain | Accounts | TermsDuring invoice or statement processing, pick a desired group and only those accounts belonging to that group will have invoices or statements generated.