Truck Types

Truck Types

Truck Types are used to calculate Freight Charges for different types of trucks.

To create and edit items in the Truck Types table, select Maintain | Truck Types. The Truck Types table will appear.

Create Truck Types

To create a list of truck types, select Maintain | Truck Types. To add a new truck type, click the  Add New button. A blank form appears.

A valid entry only requires a Description.

  • Description can be up to thirty (30) characters in length.

Enter a valid Description. Click the  Save Changes button to continue.

Warning Weight

Enter a value in pounds or kilograms. Interact will warn the scale operator when the scale weight exceeds the amount entered.

Warning Message

To enter a Warning Messageselect Setup | Weigh Options | Weighting

Ticket Type

Click the drop-down arrow to select a ticket type other than the System default ticket.

Fuel Cost Ratio

Not yet available

Fuel Base Price

Not yet available

To undo any changes click the  Undo Changes button.

Hatch Fill Targets


Number of Hatches

Max Fill

Maximum Total Fill

Editing and Existing Description

Changing the Truck Type Description

To change the Description for an existing truck type, select the truck type from the list or use the search field. Make desired changes and click the  Save Changes button. A window similar to the following appears.

  • Click the Change existing code button to change the description and save.
  • Click the Cancel button to not save changes and restore the original value
  • Click the Make a copy instead button to create a new record. 

Delete a Truck Type

To delete a Truck Type, select the Truck Type from the list or use the search field and click the  Delete Record button. A window similar to the following will appear.

Click Yes to delete the Truck Type.

Click No to cancel and return to the Truck Type window.
Related Links
  • Freight Table
  • Zones