Electronic Credit Card - Convenience Fee Setup


The ECC feature can be configured to apply a processing convenience fee when transactions are paid for with a credit/debit card. It can also be configured to apply a tax to the fee. 

When applying a convenience fee, Interact will automatically generate a multiple item transaction/ticket. An additional item in the material table will need to be added and used specifically for the convenience fee transaction. The Multiple Items feature does not need to be activated to use this feature.

Interact will calculate the convenience fee on the Total Charge of the transaction. The Total Charge includes the material fee, freight fee, and added charge fees.

An option is available to include any taxes charged in the convenience fee calculation.

Modifying Interact

Adding a Material

The ECC feature will generate an additional transaction to store the convenience fee. Adding a material item to be used specifically for the convenience fee transaction will allow Interact reports to provide detailed information about the convenience fee. Interact will automatically generate a multiple item transaction and use this item to store the fee.

  • Select Maintain |  Material
  • Click the Add New button, the Code and Description fields should be blank
  • Enter a Code (i.e. CardFee)
  • Enter a Description (i.e. Credit Card Processing Fee)
  • Click the Save Changes button

Activating the Feature

To activate the convenience fee feature, select Setup | Configure | Prices. Scroll to the Electronic Credit Card section. Enter the Convenience Fee percentage.

  • For example, 1.0 will calculate a 1.0 % convenience fee on the total charge of the transaction. Zero (0) is a valid entry. Obviously, a convenience fee will not be calculated if the value is zero.

Select the Surcharge Material from the available drop-down list. The selected material will be used when processing the Convenience Fee transaction.

If any taxes charged during the transaction are to be included check the Surcharge on Total box.

The settings will look similar to the following.

The Surcharge On Total option was set to On for tickets in the above report. Total tax of $4.83 cents was included in the Convenience Fee calculation.