Locations - Example 3

Location - Example 3 Overview

The following example can be used to set up and configure Interact at one site on three computers sharing the database in a local networked environment.

  • One scale computer processing scale transactions.

  • Two office computers. Each office computer is allowed to manage the database and process all accounting functionality.


Maintain | Locations - Location Name- Only one Location needs to be added.

Maintain | Locations - Sites (Databases)- Only one database will appear in the Sites (Databases) list.

Setup | Ticket Numbers - Options

  • Three Ticket Number Groups; one ticket number group for each machine.

  • Two Ticket Number Groups,

Example The scale uses one ticket number group and the office machines share the second. This will allow for sequential ticket numbering between the two office machines.

  • One ticket number group to be shared between the three machines. This will allow for sequential ticket numbering between the three machines.

Setup | Invoice Numbers – Options

  • When only one machine is registered to use Interact Invoice or Pro only one Invoice Number is needed.
  • When more than one machine is registered to use Interact Invoice or Pro …
    • and only one Invoice Number group exists, all machines share the same group. Using one Invoice Number group with all machines allows for sequential invoice numbers. Users need to make sure they do not post invoices at the same time. This is the recommended setup to ensure sequential invoice numbering.
    • and multiple Invoice Number Groups are in use, users can select the Invoice Number group from an available drop-down list during invoice processing. This invoice numbers will be sequential within each Invoice Number group.

Setup | Accounting Permissions - Accounting database permissions will be set to

Invoicing | "Allow one database to invoice all transaction"

Distribute Payments | "This database"

Statements | "This database"