Locations - Example 5
Heidi Adams
Location - Example 5 Overview
Two physical locations, one database at each site. DataSync is used to synchronize the two databases. Each location is allowed to generate their own invoices. Home office has one (1) Interact SE scale license and one (1) Interact Pro office license sharing a database on a network. Remote Pit has one (1) Interact Pro scale license.
Maintain | Locations – At least two Locations need to be added. Additional locations may be desired. One location will be used between the two machines in the Home office and the other location will be used at the Remote Pit. This setup will allow the scale computer at the Home office to view all materials and price tables.
Third Location
NOTE: A third Location could be added to limit the material and price tables available at the scale computer.
Maintain | Locations – Two databases will appear in the Sites (Databases) list. If the database at the remote pit is not listed, click the blue Add button. When DataSync has been configured and is running properly the remote pit database will be listed. Select it from the list and click Add Selected.
Setup | Ticket Numbers – Options
Three Ticket Number Groups; one ticket number group for each machine.
Ticket Number Groups
NOTE: Ticket number groups are tied to the database where they are created. DataSync cannot be used to sync a ticket number group to a client site.
Use one of the two office machines to create the two ticket number groups for use at the Home office
Use the remote pit machine to create the one ticket number group for use at the remote pit.
Two Ticket Number Groups, one shared at the office between the scale and office machines and one for the remote pit
Use one of the two office machines to create the ticket number group for use at the Home office
Use the remote pit machine to create the one ticket number group for use at the remote pit.
Setup | Machine Data
Select the Location and Ticket Number Group associated with each machine.
Machine Name – Office
Location – Office
Ticket Number Group – Office
Office Scale
Machine Name – Office Scale
Location – Office
Ticket Number Group – Office Scale
Remote Pit
Machine Name – Remote Pit
Location – Remote Pit
Ticket Number Group – Remote Pit
Setup | Invoice Numbers - Two Invoice Number groups are needed.
NOTE: Invoice number groups are tied to the database where they are created. DataSync cannot be used to sync an invoice number group to a client site. All invoice number groups will be visible to all machines but can only be edited at the location where they were created.
Setup | Accounting Permissions - See Accounting Permissions
NOTE: Accounting permissions can only be configured from the master/server database.
Choose which database will invoice each ticket group.
Distribute Payments
- Selecting "This database" will allow the office computer at the home office to distribute payments and credit memos to open invoices. The computer at the remote pit will be allowed to enter payments.
- Selecting "Remote Pit" will allow the scale computer at the remote pit to distribute payments and credit memos to open invoices. The computer at the home office will be allowed to enter payments.
- Selecting "This database" will allow the office computer at the home office to generate statements.
- Selecting "Remote Pit" will allow the scale computer at the remote pit generate statements.