Locations - Example 1

Location - Example 1 Overview

The following example can be used to set up and configure Interact on one computer at one site.


Maintain | Locations – Location Name - Only one Location needs to be added.

Why add  more?

Additional locations may be added to accommodate the entry of handwritten tickets from another pit/quarry that is not using Interact. The location would be available in the Location drop-down list on the second weigh form while processing a transaction. Adding a Location for handwritten tickets will allow the user to group these tickets together for reporting purposes.

Maintain | Locations – Sites (Databases) Only one database will appear in the Sites (Databases) list.

Setup | Ticket Numbers options

  • Only one Ticket Number Group needs to be added.

Setup | Invoice Numbers - When the license is registered for Invoice or Pro versions only one Invoice Number group needs to be added.

Setup | Accounting Permissions - When the license is registered for Invoice or Pro versions accounting permissions will be set to

  • Invoicing | "Allow one database to invoice all transaction"

  • Distribute Payments | "This database"

  • Statements | "This database"