Price Component Examples

Using Price Components

To demonstrate how Price Components work the following example will activate Price Component 2 as Surcharge and Price Component 3 as Add'l Fee. Price Component 1 will remain active and labeled Base Matrl.

These additional Price Components can be selected from the Price Components drop-down list in the Prices table. Select Maintain - Prices to add rates to each Price Component table. A window similar to the following will appear.

Price Component 2

Select Price Component 2 (Surcharge for our example) from the drop-down list. Enter rates for those material items requiring an additional fee.

In the example above material 001 - 1/4 - 3/4 Washed Rock will calculate an additional $.50 per ton fee, 3/4 - 1 1/4 Washed Rock will calculate an additional $1.25 per ton fee, and Washed Sand will add an additional $5.00 fee to the total charge.

Click the  Save button to save changes. Click the  Undo button to cancel any changes.

Price Component 3

Select Price Component 3 (Add'l Fee for our example) from the drop-down list. Enter rates for those material items requiring an additional fee.

In the example above material 001 - 1/4 - 3/4 Washed Rock will calculate an additional $.75 per ton fee, 3/4 - 1 1/4 Washed Rock will calculate an additional $.75 per ton fee, and Washed Sand will add an additional $2.00 fee to the total charge.

Click the  Save button to save changes. Click the  Undo button to cancel any changes.

Calculating the Total Charge

The total charge is calculated in the following way:

  • Net Weight * Price Component 1 Rate + Calculated Taxes = Base Charge 1
  • Net Weight * Price Component 2 Rate + Calculated Taxes = Base Charge 2
  • Net Weight * Price Component 3 Rate + Calculated Taxes = Base Charge 3
  • Base Charge 1Base Charge 2 + Base Charge 3 = Grand Total Base Charge

Where the Net Weight is 10 Tons for material 001 - 1/4 - 3/4 Washed Rock and no taxes are applied

  • 10 Tons * $2.50 + $0.00 = $25.00
  • 10 Tons * $.50 + $0.00 = $5.00
  • 10 Tons * $.75 + $0.00 = $7.50
  • $25.00 + $5.00 + $7.50 = $37.50
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