


Use the Weighing window to set special weight conditions, activate the SIM and Manual scale options, trigger warning weights, and activate the net weight adjustment features. 


All weights on this screen are in scale units (pounds or kilograms).

To set special weight option, select Setup | Weigh Options | Weighing. A window similar to the following will appear.

Special Weights


Threshold is the weight at which the program recognizes that a truck is on the scale. A transaction will not be stored unless a truck is on the scale. Threshold is also used frequently in unattended operations.

Zero Band

Zero Band is only used in unattended mode transactions. It is the weight about zero at which the program will automatically zero the scale. The scale must stabilize within this band and a auto zero command must be defined for the scale port before the zeroing takes place.

Display Division

NTEP requires a stored tare weight match a scale indicators display division setting. Use the Display Division setting to ensure manually entered tares match the scale indicator setting. The display division set for indicators used on truck scales is typically 20 for indicators configured in pounds and 10 for indicators configured in kilograms.

Set this number to 20 for scale indicators used on truck scales configured for pounds or 10 for scale indicators used on truck scale configured for kilograms.

It can be set to any integer from 0 to 1000 to match the display setting of any indicator.

The default is 0, which means any manually entered tare weight will be accepted.

Minimum Net Weight

Enter a value, in pounds (or kilograms). A transaction cannot be completed when the net weight is below the value entered in this field. Zero disables the check for minimum net weight.

The following message appears when a transaction is below the global minimum net weight.

Maximum Net Weight

Enter a value, in pounds (or kilograms). A transaction cannot be completed when the net weight exceeds the value entered in this field. Zero disables the check for maximum net weight.

The following message appears when a transaction exceeds the global maximum net weight.

Minimum Gross Weight

Enter a value, in pounds (or kilograms). A transaction cannot be completed when the gross weight is below the value entered in this field. Zero disables the check for minimum gross weight

Truck Minimum Gross Weight

The global setting can be different for individual trucks. To set the Minimum Gross Weight different from the global setting (including zero) for a specific truck, select Maintain | Accounts | Trucks.

The following message appears during a transaction when a truck is below the global or truck specific minimum gross weight.

Maximum Gross Weight

Enter a value, in pounds (or kilograms). A transaction cannot be completed when the gross weight exceeds the value entered in this field. Zero disables the check for minimum gross weight

Truck Maximum Gross Weight

The global setting can be different for individual trucks. To set the Maximum Gross Weight different from the global setting (including zero) for a specific truck, select Maintain | Accounts | Trucks.

The following message appears during a transaction when a truck exceeds the global or truck specific maximum gross weight.

Sim / Manual Scales

Include SIM Scale

When checked a scale indicator can be simulated in the Weigh screen. When the Weigh form is active, the SIM scale looks similar to the following.

Use the  Up Arrow and  Down Arrow buttons to simulate weight in increments of 3000 units (pounds or kilograms).

Include Manual Scale

When checked, the scale indicator in the Weigh screen will display the word "Weight". When this indicator is active, the operator can type values into this box to populate the Weigh In and Weigh Out fields.

Include Manual Entry Scale

When checked, the operator can enter weights directly into the Weigh In and Weigh Out fields without having to Store Ticket between manual weight entries. Select the Manual option on the Weigh form before starting a transaction.

Manual Entry Scale option also includes a feature to set a date prior to the current day. The selected day will continue to be used when processing transactions until it is changed by clicking the  Set Date button or focus is no longer on the Weigh screen.

Enter the Weight In and Weight Out on the second weigh screen.

Manual Entry

The value in the Weigh In and Weigh Out fields must be zero (0) or greater. They cannot be blank or empty. 

Warning Weights

Warning Trigger Weight

The Warning Trigger Weight works independently from all other set minimum/maximum values. It is used to trigger a warning message to appear when a scale weight has exceeded the set value. To use this feature enter a weight in pounds (or kilograms) and enter a message in the Warning Message box.

Warning Message

This feature will not work when the Warning Message box is blank.

Example Weigh In / Weigh Out: Trigger Weight = 50,000

Warning Trigger Weight = 50,000 pounds

Warning Message = A Weight has Exceeded the Trigger Weight of #### lbs

Minimum/Maximum Net and Gross Values = 0

Truck drives onto the scale to Weigh In. Scale goes above 50,000. When the operator clicks the Store Ticket button the following warning message appears.

Click Yes to store the transaction with the exceeded weight. The warning message will appear again during the Weigh Out portion of the transaction.  Click Yes to continue and print the ticket.

Return to Transaction Details

Or click No, to return to the Transaction Details window.

Truck Type Warning Weight

The Warning Message will also appear when Truck Types are in use.. The global setting can be different for different truck types. To set the Warning Message weight different from the global setting (including zero) for a different truck types select Maintain | Truck Types. Enter a value in the Warning Weight box for each truck type.

Unattended Warning Message

The Warning Message will also appear during Auto Touch Unattended transactions (need to test)


Zero Return

Check this box to require the scale to return to zero before another transaction can be started.

Multiple Items (Weigh In = Previous Weigh Out)

When processing multiple item weight transactions, check this box to automatically set the weight in for the current item to equal the weight out of the previous item. When left unchecked the weight on the scale will be used for the weight in of the next weighted item.

Manual Entry in Selected Units

When Manual scale is selected, an operator is allowed to manually enter quantities in the Weigh form during a transaction in the UOM set for the selected material. When the Inventory Units for a material is set to Tons, the operator will be able to manually enter the quantity in Tons instead of pounds. This option is often used for customer's who wish to maintain an inventory balance in Interact. 

Require Net Within Tolerance of Job Item Amount

When active Interact will display a message when the Net Weight of a Job Item exceeds 1% of the Job Item Ordered Amount. The transaction cannot be completed. The scale operator must Cancel the weigh out process. The transaction will remain in the open ticket list until the Net Weight is within the 1% tolerance. Each net weight exceeding the tolerance will be stored in the note fields starting with note field number 10. To view the invalid net weights, select Setup | Configure - Ticket Notes to activate the note fields. A specific label is not required to properly store the values.


In the following example the Ordered amount is set to 20 Tons. The net weight cannot exceed 20.2 Tons (40,400 pounds).

Net weights exceeding the tolerance will be displayed in the active note fields as follows.

This feature was added for Musson Group.

Axle Weighing

There are three different axle weighing options: Short Deck, Long Deck - Drive on, and Long deck - Drive off

Short Deck axle weighing refers to weighing a truck on a scale that is too short to weigh the entire truck. Each axle is added together to form a sum of the axle weights.

Long Deck - Drive on axle weighing refers to weighing a truck on a scale that is long enough to weigh the entire truck, but still needs to weigh each individual axle. As the truck drives onto the scale, previous axle weights are subtracted from the total weight to determine the current axle weight.

Long Deck - Drive off axle weighting refers to the truck pulling off of the scale. Each axle is weighed as the truck pulls off the scale.

  • Axle Weighing Attended
  • Axle Weighing Unattended

Drive On Delay

Drive on Delay is a value (in seconds) used to time out unattended operations. It controls how long the program will wait for a truck to drive on the scale after the trucks badge id has been verified. It is also the maximum amount of time the program will wait for a driver to respond to a prompt or for the scale weight to stabilize.


Adjustments (Percent of Load Label)

In some cases, trucks may haul multiple materials in a single load. A multiple item ticket can be created using a single weighment by estimating the amount of each material on the load with a percentage. For example, 75% may be material A and 25% is material B. To activate this feature, enter a label name in the space provided (i.e. % Load). 

During a transaction the adjustment field, % Load in our example, will appear under the Weigh In field. Interact will calculate the ADJUSTED WEIGHT based on the value entered. The adjusted weight will be used in all report and charge calculations. Click the  Add % of Load button to add another percent of load item. The WEIGH IN, WEIGH OUT, and WEIGH NET values will not change. A different material and percentage may be entered. Continue adding items until all items have been entered. 

Percent of Load

Interact will not track the percent values being entered. The operator is responsible for keeping track and not exceeding 100 %.

Adjustments (Percent Deduction Label)

In some cases, the net weight of a transaction may need to be adjusted to account for moisture and foreign material. The Percent Deduction feature allows the user to use a second adjustment field in the weigh form as a percentage of the net weight that is subtracted from the net weight or as a weight value of the net weight.

Percent is the default when Interact is installed. 

To activate this feature, enter a label name in the space provided (i.e. % Deduct). During a transaction the adjustment field, % Deduct in our example, will appear in the Adjustments window under the weigh fields.

Interact will calculate the ADJUSTED WEIGHT based on the value entered. The adjusted weight will be used in all reports and charge calculations. This feature cannot be used with the Multiple Item feature. 

Percent Deduct

Interact will not track the percent values being entered. The operator is responsible for keeping track and not exceeding 100 %.

Use Weight Value as Deduction

To use the Percent Deduction to subtract a weight value, click the Use Weight Value as Deduction check box.

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